Preschool Program

for the 3-4s

In our Seedlings Room, designed for children ages 3 to 4 years old, we seamlessly integrate the Montessori philosophy with the individualized learning approaches of The Creative Curriculum. Our learning objectives at this stage include enhancing language abilities, expanding concentration, honing problem-solving skills, refining visual discrimination, and improving physical coordination. Both the Montessori and Creative Curriculum methods emphasize hands-on learning and exploration, with materials and activities carefully selected to support these goals. This allows each child to develop at their own pace, encouraging a deep engagement with their environment and building confidence along with a strong foundation for future learning. This holistic approach ensures that our young learners are well-prepared to explore and understand the world around them.

  • In our classroom for 3-year-olds, language development is a key focus. Our program helps expose our young learners to a rich vocabulary through conversation, storytelling, and singing. Activities such as matching objects with their corresponding names, sequencing story cards, and engaging in role-play foster both receptive and expressive language skills. Our educators prompt meaningful dialogues by asking open-ended questions and students are encouraged to engage in conversations that promote language use and also to articulate their thoughts and feelings, which helps in building their verbal communication skills. In our program, our young learners are also introduced to basic phonics and early writing tools, enabling children to start forming letters and recognizing simple words.

  • Problem-solving is integral to the Montessori method and The Creative Curriculum pedagogy, and 3-year-olds are guided through activities that challenge their thinking. Puzzles, building blocks, and sorting tasks require them to analyze situations and come up with solutions. These activities not only stimulate cognitive development but also teach children to be persistent and patient as they work through difficulties. Our teachers support this by posing open-ended questions and allowing children the time and space to explore multiple solutions, thereby fostering critical thinking and adaptability.

  • Refining visual discrimination is crucial for 3-year-olds as they learn to notice and differentiate fine details. Our classrooms provide a variety of materials such as color gradation cards, shape sorters, and pattern activities that train the eye to distinguish differences in size, shape, and color. These exercises enhance attention to detail and prepare children for more complex tasks like reading and mathematics by improving their ability to identify and categorize visual information.

  • Early math learning for 3-year-olds is hands-on and concrete. In our programs, our young learners are introduced to materials like beads, counters, and number rods, and they begin to understand basic concepts such as counting, sequencing, and simple addition and subtraction. These tactile experiences help them grasp abstract mathematical ideas by connecting them to physical objects and actions. Our program also provides activities like sorting and classifying and also introduces foundational concepts of patterns and measurement, setting the stage for more advanced mathematical thinking.

  • Improving physical coordination is a significant aspect of development for 3-year-olds. Our classrooms are equipped with activities that enhance both gross and fine motor skills. Climbing frames, balancing beams, and crawling tunnels help develop strength, balance, and coordination. Fine motor skills are refined through activities like threading beads, using tweezers, and manipulating small objects. This balanced approach ensures that children develop the physical agility and dexterity necessary for everyday activities and academic tasks.

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